What Game/Animals Can Be Hunted in the Summer? – Foundry Outdoors

What Game/Animals Can Be Hunted in the Summer?

If you are anything like me, you are probably tired of being cooped up in the house all day now that whitetail season is over. So I started to wonder “what could I hunt during the summer?”. So I did my research and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that there are plenty of summer seasons all throughout the states. Here is a list of a few of the more exciting animals that you can hunt during the summer. 

Although all of these animals cannot be hunted during the summer in any state, they can be hunted in a few. So always check your local DNR to confirm the season dates for your preferred game.


Spring Turkey

Many states have introduced a spring turkey season after their normal fall season. Between the fall and spring season, you can hunt these birds starting in march and keep going until May in many places. Though some states split this time up into fall and spring seasons, some states have a continuous season. 

The fall season is an exciting time to be in the woods, gobblers are very vocal and they are actively pursuing hens and forming their social hierarchy between other toms. Spring season is a great time to get out and get a gobbler as well. During the spring, turkeys become more social than the fall, so they are likely to respond to more types of calls. This makes it easier in some cases to gather a group of toms and be able to pick out the nicest one.




Pronghorn Antelope

In the western United States, pronghorn run around by the millions. Especially in Wyoming. So much so that they start pronghorn season in mid-august. Allowing both rifle and bow hunters to chase down these super fast and keen-eyed antelope.

For rifle hunters, it may be easier to do a spot and stalk method for these animals. Although they are known to travel vast distances every day so if you are interested in going on one for these hunts you should be prepared to walk many miles while you search for the perfect buck and get in a reasonable range. Bowhunters will have to do all that and more. Getting within bow range of these animals can be challenging but is definitely possible.





In some states, such as California, rabbits multiply at such an alarming rate that the season opens up in July. These little guys can cause quite a nuisance around farmland, so many farmers will happily allow rabbit hunters to have some fun around the property. 

Many times these guys are going to be hiding in the thickest brush they can find, so it may be difficult to find them but once you do, they are likely to sit still and hope you do not see them. It can also be quite fun to try and shoot them on the run if you do happen to spook one.




Wild hog

Wild hogs are the most destructive animals on the planet. In the United States, they are constantly ruining farmland and grazing land for cattle. In just one year, they cause $1.5 billion worth of damage around the country. For this reason alone, there is a nationwide open season on hogs.  

Hunters have gone to war with wild hogs for decades and use dozens of tactics to capture and kill hogs. Although it is still a struggle to keep numbers down due to the speed that they reproduce at. So it is more than okay for you to go out and shoot hundreds of these animals every chance you get no matter what day of the year it is. 



Coyotes, like hogs, are pests. They are generally hated because they are known to kill the game that humans enjoy hunting. They kill adult deer and fawns, as well as our beloved family pets. For these reasons, there is a year-round open season on coyotes.

There are many strategies for hunting coyotes but one of the most popular is to hunt using distress calls. Coyotes respond well to distress calls and you can normally get a digital one that plays all sorts of rabbit distress calls. The idea is to play these calls and wait for coyotes looking for an easy meal to come inspect the call.


So there are plenty of things to hunt during the summer. There is no need to stay in the house or out of the woods when you can be out hunting turkey, pronghorn, rabbit, hogs, or yotes! Every animal has its own season and season dates are known to change year to year. So whatever you are hunting, make sure you check the local DNR for exact dates. 

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DBP - Jul 09, 2020

Might want to double check that nationwide open season on hogs… some states don’t have a season at all. Missouri, for example, strongly discourages shooting feral hogs, and it is illegal on certain public lands there.

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