How to Hunt Canada Geese

If you have ever looked up in the sky and seen the iconic v shape formation, there is a good chance that you saw a group of Canada Geese migrating.  This species, also widely known for its loud honking, can be hunted under the right circumstances. 

The Canada Goose flies south for the winter during September or October and remains in the southern United States until spring. In some states, they are considered game birds and can be hunted. The species was brought from the brink of extinction in the early 1900s.   

Keep reading to learn more about this species including how to hunt them, and where they live and nest.


If you want to hunt Canada Geese, you need to check your local laws in your area to make sure it is allowed.  This article lists the best places to go and to hunt the species across the United States.  The best hunting for these birds can be found in the Northern United States close to the Canadian border.

Geese are fairly tough animals, so you are going to need at least a 12 gauge shotgun to hunt them. It is possible to kill geese with a 20 gauge, and I have done it, but it is much harder.   

Most hunters will be using either a pump-action or a semi-automatic shotgun to hunt geese.  Whatever you use, make sure it holds a maximum of three shells, which is the legal limit for hunting waterfowl.

It is not a bad idea to buy a gun that is coated with water-resistant material. If you hunt geese around swamps like I do, then you are bound to get a few inches of boggy mud in the end of your barrel. My rusty Remington 870 still works just fine though.  

At one time, Canada Geese were almost hunted to extinction.  According to this Canadian News Article, a lack of regulations on hunting led them to almost go extinct until the Migratory Bird Convention of 1916 led to laws being passed to better protect the bird’s native landscape and reduce hunting. 

These laws have proven effective, and it is estimated now that the geese have grown to around 7 million in numbers. Now the issue is the overpopulation of geese instead of population endangerment. 

Ammo Selection

You will need to use steel shot for hunting any kind of waterfowl hunting.  My recommendation would be to use a 3 ½ inch steel shot marked between 2, 1, or BB. 2 shot is a pretty good “do-it-all” shot if you are hunting in an area with both ducks and geese.

It is worth knowing that it is illegal to use lead shot for waterfowl as that was made illegal in 1991. Studies showed that lead could lead to harm to the native species living in the waters. 

Whatever shells you choose, make sure your gun will be able to handle it.  You can damage your weapon or yourself by using the wrong size shells. Your gun should be labeled with the gauge of the gun and should also note what size shells it can fire. If your shotgun doesn't, look up the model or serial number online before you purchase ammo.  

Where to Go Hunting

The best options to hunt will be around lakes or ponds that the geese will frequent on their migratory paths. If you have your own land with a body of water on it, try hunting there first. Even if you have no idea what you are doing, you will learn a lot in the process. If you are struggling to even see geese, talk to other people in your area and find a public spot to go with a buddy. 

You are going to need a few decoys to get started. Once you get a basic decoy spread figured out and learn how to blow a goose call you will bring in plenty of geese.  Of course, you have to be in a location where they are already traveling or no amount of calling or decoys will help. 

Canada geese have good eyesight, so you are going to want to make sure that you are properly camouflaged.  If there is snow on the ground, you will want to be covered in woody patterns and whites to match the ground.  Consider what it looks like overhead to pick the best pattern.  


The Canada Goose gets its name due to its primary residence being in Canada.  However, they are also migratory birds and will travel south to warmer climates for the winter months. While most of these birds will migrate back, there can be some geese found all over the United States thanks to the warmer temperatures.

According to this website the Canada Goose’s habitat preference can include ponds, lakes, rivers, grain fields, and fresh and saltwater marshes.  They will look for ponds that are not frozen over in the winter.

This is why you will commonly find Canada Geese around golf courses, parks, and ponds in the United States. The fact that these places keep their waterfronts neat and trimmed makes for ideal living spots for the Canada Geese.   


These birds migrate in order to have better living conditions during the cold months of winter.  The Canada Goose can often be seen in its identifiable v formation.  This formation allows the geese to stay together and allows the geese to draft off one another to improve flight.

When Canada Geese travel, they use roads in the skies not visible to humans. These roadways are commonly called flyways. The flyways used by Canadian Geese are the Atlantic flyway (along the east coast of North America), the Mississippi flyway (named after the river), the Central flyway (along the Rocky Mountains), and the Pacific Flyway (west of the Rockies).

Because the geese use the common flyways, these areas become good locations to hunt them.  By understanding these flight patterns, you can anticipate where they will be most heavily populated during the hunting season. Of course, migration has a lot to do with weather, and so you cannot perfectly anticipate when geese will be in a certain spot.  But you can use it to help you plan ahead.    


The Canada Goose can be seen all throughout the United States.  While they were brought nearly to extinction in the early 1900s, today they are not classified as endangered. 

With the right equipment, Canada Geese can be hunted during the winter months.  Canada Geese are a great-tasting bird and a challenge to kill, making them a species well worth your time to chase after.

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